Helen’s Run/Walk 2016 Southeast
First Helen's Run/Walk 2016 Southeast to be held this November in King, North Carolina
First Helen’s Run/Walk 2016 Southeast to be Held this November in King, North Carolina
August 30, 2016 – Helen Keller inspired generations of Americans by overcoming adversity and drawing attention to the DeafBlind community. Now, 48 years after her passing, North Carolina will host a special event in Keller’s name that promises to keep that inspiration alive.
On Saturday, November 5, 2016, the first annual Helen’s Run/Walk 2016 Southeast will be held at Recreation Acres Park in King, North Carolina. Jointly presented by Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind Youths and Adults (HKNC) and North Carolina Deaf-Blind Associates (NCDBA), Helen’s Run/Walk 2016 Southeast will benefit the programs and services of both organizations.
“We are very excited to see Helen’s Run/Walk go beyond its roots as a Long Island, New York, event,” observed Helen Keller Services President and CEO Joseph Bruno. “Each year it has grown in popularity and we knew it was time to launch this amazing run/walk on a national level. Everyone in King has been great and I’m confident Helen’s Run/Walk 2016 Southeast will be a success from the start.”
According to HKNC Executive Director Sue Ruzenski, an estimated 2.4 million people in the United States live with combined vision and hearing loss. An event like the 5K/3.1 mile Helen’s Run/Walk Southeast is a fun way for people of all ages and abilities to come together to raise funds to expand and enhance services with the DeafBlind community.
“Serious runners will be pleased to learn that this is a professionally timed race on a certified course,” Ruzenski added. “For the rest of us, it’s a perfect opportunity to spend the morning running or walking with friends, family, and coworkers for a good cause. We appreciate everyone’s help in King County in getting the word out and making a difference.”
Ruzenski added that local businesses as well as national companies are encouraged to act as sponsors for the event. More information on participating in or sponsoring Helen’s Run/Walk 2016 Southeast is available by visiting helenkeller.org/hks/events.
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On Saturday, November 5, 2016, people of all ages and abilities will join together at Recreation Acres Park in King, North Carolina, for the first ever Helen’s Run/Walk 2016 Southeast to support those living with combined vision and hearing loss. The 5K/3.1 mile event is jointly presented by Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind Youths & Adults (HKNC) and North Carolina Deaf-Blind Associates (NCDBA). Pictured here are participants in the Helen’s Run/Walk 2015 held in Sands Point, New York — home of the Helen Keller National Center.